Custom Programming
DispatchIt!™ is a solution for dispatching technicians, carpet cleaners,plumbers, construction workers, and any other on-site personnel which features a Contacts file, a calendar for multiple employees, work orders which auto create invoices, purchases and project management.
DispatchIt!™ is a Macintosh application available in both single and multi user versions which can be accessed on your local network as well as from anywhere in the world with an internet connection. You can even access the dispatch Calendar and print work orders from any internet browser.

Features include:
Smart Data Entry when entering Customers, Vendors and other contacts
A multiuser Calendar which features color coded dates to see your busiest days at a glance
store all correspondence (faxes, letters, email) for easy retrieval
The ability to schedule appointments, create work orders and turn the work orders into invoices
The ability to track purchases and pay for them as invoice payments are received
A project management module for setting up projects, assigning members, tasks, time lines, prerequisites and printing of the project layout.
Many more features too numerous to put in this screen
For more information or to see a demo, contact Acacia Systems by clicking here to send an email request or call at (562) 437-7690.